Paste your text, select an option from the drop-down meny [the
default is Fix spaces/capitalization (English)], enter the number for the
security question and press the Submit button. Two columns will appear,
the right one will have colour marking of the differences (blue
with underline stands for additions, and
red with strikethrough stands for
deletions). Pressing on the Copy to Clipboard button will copy the
corrected text to the clipboard. Then you can paste it in any program by
pressing Ctrl+V.
What does the script do
— Fixes double and multiple
spaces including whitespace (maximum 1 space)
— Fixes multiple paragraphs (maximum 2)
— Fixes spaces before and after punctuation marks (i.e. before
full stop, semicolon, colon, comma, exclamation mark, question mark there should
be no space, and after them there should be one space)
— Fixes wrong case usage (i.e. after full stop, exclamation mark,
question mark the first letter of the first word should be a capital letter).
It does exclude initialisms if they are marked with consecutive full
For more info, to give your feedback, as well as see examples of how this script
works, please use the
forum topic for this script.
There is a similar function for Greek text (slightly different rules apply there)
as well as two functions on
removing the
final n from Greek (info in Greek).