Greek Translator, Greek Translation, Greek Localization |
translator, Greek translation, Greek software
localization, Greek website translation
Spiros Doikas
ProZ.com trainer | Wordfast trainer | MetaTexis trainer
Certified Pro at ProZ - ProZ profile
Founder, translator, CAT tools
Specializing in localization
(experienced in both Microsoft & Apple projects)
English Studies (MMU, UK)
MSc Machine Translation (UMIST, UK)
Institute of
Linguists Diploma in Translation (English
to Greek)
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[translation blog | poetry blog | poetry anthology | composer blog]
Books |
Translation (€0.06-0.08 per word, discounts for repetitions/fuzzy matches apply)
Editing / Proofreading (€ 0.01-0.03 per word)
Web Design / Management
(see projects)
Web Site Optimization and Promotion (meta
tags optimization, content optimization
for high ranking). (see projects)
Open source work (see projects) |
11-13 November 2021 13th Conference "Greek language and terminology": "Σύνταξη Γερμανοελληνικού Λεξικού 0,5 εκ. όρων με κύρια πηγή την ΙΑΤΕ" (An IATE-based German-Greek dictionary of 0.5 million terms) [presentation (pdf) | paper (pdf)]
7-9 November 2019 12th Conference "Greek language and terminology": "Rev(i|er)sing the LSJ" (that is "Reversing and revising the LSJ") [presentation (pptx) | paper (pdf)]
9-11 Νοεμβρίου 2017 11ο Συνέδριο «Ελληνική Γλώσσα και Ορολογία»: Ανακοίνωση με τίτλο: «Εξαγωγή ορολογίας από διαβικικούς συνδέσμους» [Περίληψη, Παρουσίαση, Ανακοίνωση]
26/5/2017 6η Συνάντηση Εργασίας Ελληνόφωνων Μεταφρασεολόγων: Ανακοίνωση με τίτλο: «Η μετάφραση βουδιστικών κειμένων στα ελληνικά» [Παρουσίαση σε PowePoint και pdf | Περίληψη | Ανακοίνωση - Προτιμήστε για λήψη την Ανακοίνωση σε ενημερωμένη μορφή στο translatum]
12-14/11/2015. 10th Conference "Hellenic Language and Terminology". Paper: Lexicalizing the forum [abstract | Paper | presentation].
23/5/2015. 5η Συνάντηση Εργασίας Ελληνόφωνων Μεταφρασεολόγων: Ανακοίνωση με τίτλο: «Ποιοτικός έλεγχος των ελληνικών αποδόσεων στην ορολογική βάση ΙΑΤΕ» [Αρχείο παρουσίασης αποθηκευμένο σε pdf στα ελληνικά και τα αγγλικά]. Εκτενέστερη και με συνεχή ανανέωση εργασία στα αγγλικά με τίτλο QA and optimization of the Greek entries in the IATE tbx export.
9/11/2013. 9th Conference "Hellenic Language and Terminology" (Athens, 7-9 November 2013). Ανακοίνωση με τίτλο: Όταν το LSJ γνώρισε τη Βίκυ (Wikifying the LSJ) [ Αρχείο παρουσίασης σε pdf | Αρχείο παρουσίασης σε Powerpoint (10MB)].
Talks / Open Seminars given
30/5/2015.Δωρεάν σεμινάριο κατάρτισης Νέων Μεταφραστών: Ποιότητα ορολογικών εργασιών στη μετάφραση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής: Εισήγηση με τίτλο: «Φτιάχνοντας ένα ηλεκτρονικό γλωσσάριο – εργαλεία και δυνατότητες ενσωμάτωσης στη μεταφραστική ροή εργασίας» [Αρχείο παρουσίασης σε pdf].
3/4/2015. Ημερίδα της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής: «Ίδρυση Δικτύου ορολογίας για την ελληνική γλώσσα και μετάφραση» (Ακαδημία Αθηνών, συμμετοχή κατόπιν προσκλήσεως).
8/11/2014. Ημερίδα της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής: «Συνέδριο για το μέλλον των γλωσσικών επαγγελμάτων» (Πειραιάς, Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιά). Μέλος της Οργανωτικής Επιτροπής και συντονιστής της παράλληλης συνεδρίας με τίτλο: Τα ελληνικά στο λογισμικό και στο οπτικοακουστικό διαδικτυακό οικοσύστημα του 21ου αιώνα.
11/4/2014. Ημερίδα Εργασίας: «Δίκτυο ορολογίας για την ελληνική γλώσσα και μετάφραση» (Αθήνα, Αντιπροσωπεία της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής στην Ελλάδα). Ομιλία με τίτλο: Για περισσότερα και καλύτερα εργαλεία. [Πρακτικά | Ενημερωτικό Σημείωμα] και συντονιστής της κόκκινης ομάδας εργασίας.
2013 (28/9). Εκδήλωση για την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Μετάφρασης 2013 - Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών, Ομιλία με τίτλο: Μεθοδολογία αναζήτησης ορολογίας για μεταφραστές, Θεωρία και πρακτική για την εύρεση και την αξιολόγηση της καταλληλότητας των όρων: Από το έντυπο λεξικό μέχρι τα σώματα κειμένων, τις μηχανές μετααναζήτησης και τα ορολογικά εργαλεία μεταφραστικού περιβάλλοντος [Λήψη pdf παρουσίασης].
Conferences (Attendance)
2011. 8th Conference "Hellenic Language and Terminology" (attendance)
2009. 9th Conference "Hellenic Language and Terminology" (attendance)
Interviews taken / Συνεντεύξεις από
2015. Ζέφυρος Καυκαλίδης
2014. Νίκος Σιδέρης
2015 (February) attended a 15-hour E-lexicography course in Meta|φραση School of Translation Studies, Athens, Greece taught by Elena Mantzari.
2006 (12-21
attended a 12-hour
Lexicography course in Meta|φραση
School of Translation Studies,
Greece taught by Nick Lingris.
The course dealt with:
—history and terminology of lexicography
—dictionary comparison and
—practical lexicographical
—lemma production
—computational lexicography
and corpora
—use of the Internet as a
lexicographical tool
(3-7 July)
Technology for Translation Teachers
seminar in
Boğaziçi University,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Instructors included
Anthony Pym,
Bert Esselink, Minako O'Hagan,
Reinhard Schäler and
Belinda Maia.
1999 Nov. Institute
of Linguist's
in Translation
[English into Greek]
Paper 1 (General Translation with annotations),
Paper 2 (Information Technology), Paper 3 (Science)
1995-7 MSc in Machine Translation, UMIST, Language
Engineering Department
Taught and dissertation conversion course consisting
of the following modules:
Corpus Linguistics,
Translation Theory,
(evaluation of Globalink translation software
- from English to Italian), MSc thesis entitled:
"Points for the design of hybrid (rule-based and
corpus-based) MT systems"
the thesis as zip
file 42KB [final format Word 2000]
out my machine
translation links
1992-5 BA
in English Studies,
Manchester Metropolitan University, Grade: II.i
in detail
Edge Hill
1st yr BA (Hons) in combined French & English
English (Language & Literature) 73
(the linguistic aspect involved phonetics, sentence
analysis, pragmatics,
transformational-generative grammar, semantics,
French (Language & Literature) 56
European Studies 56
1993-4 transfer to Manchester Metropolitan University
2nd yr BA English Studies Single Honours
Working Class Writing 68
18th & 19th century poetry 61
Modern Criticism 67
Text in Performance 65
sample essays:
Sade, Paglia and the Romantic Imperative
Thanatos and the negation of the will-to-live
in Larkin's Poetry
difference between signifier and signified
(An essay on Saussurian linguistics)
1994-5 3rd yr
Contemporary Critical Theory 59
Contemporary English 69 (sociolinguistics, pragmatics,
Shakespeare in Performance 54
20th Century Poetry 68
Dissertation entitled "Metaphysics
of Art" (A study on the theory of art
of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer)
Download it [zip
1993 Sep. Two-week Erasmus Course in France
(Universite Paul Valery, Amiens)
1991-2 A Levels (AEB).
Greek A
English Literature C
1990-1 Translation and Interpretation Studies
at the European Educational
Organization (English and French).
1990 Cambridge Proficiency C 1990
"Apolytirion", 2nd Lyceum of Corfu 15
Book translations (from English into Greek)
2003 The Manual of Trigger Point and Myofascial
Therapy, Dimitrios Kostopoulos, Konstantine
Publisher: Digital Copy Center
(This guide offers the reader a comprehensive
theraputic approach for the evaluation and treatment
of myofascial pain and musculoskeletal dysfunction.
This manual serves as a quick reference for clinically
relevant items that pertain to the identification
and management of trigger points. The first section
of the book covers the therapy and research regarding
the Myofascial Trigger Point Syndrome. Treatment
methods and techniques are also covered in a comprehensive
step-by-step format. The second section includes
the most important muscles that tend to have a
higher incidence of the myofascial involvement.
Each muscle is supplemented by two pages of text
and illustrations in order to aid the student
or clinician in an institutional or practicing
setting. The muscle page contains a plethora of
information for the reader including muscle origin,
insertion, location of trigger points, referenced
pain patterns, myofascial stretching exercises,
positive stretch signs, and biomechanics of injury.)
2003 by Digital
Copy Publications, Athens.
Buy English original on line: Amazon.com
| Amazon
Check out my English-Greek
Medical Glossary (Muscles)
2002 Questions from the City, Answers from
the Forest: Simple Lessons You Can Use from a
Western Buddhist Monk, Sumano, et al,
Kyveli Publications
(Uses a distillation of Buddhist wisdom to answer
the questions of "city" people who sought out
the author, an American Buddhist, in his forest
retreat to obtain his answers to life's most basic
Buy English original on line: Amazon.com
| Amazon
Link to Greek Translation
2001 The Life of the Buddha, Bhikkhu Nanamoli,
Kyveli Publications
(This books provides a rough chronological description
of the Buddha's life and teaching based on the
Pali canon, the oldest and most complete systematic
treatment of classical Buddhism.)
Buy English original on line: Amazon.com
| Amazon
Check out my Buddhist
dictionaries and e-texts links
2000 Change Your Mind, Paramananda, Kyveli
(Buddhism is based on the truth that, with effort,
we can change the way we are, and among the many
methods Buddhism has to offer, meditation is the
most direct. It is the art of getting to know
one's own mind and learning to encourage what
is best in us. This book focuses on two Buddhist
meditation practices - mindfulness of breathing
(the bedrock of all meditation practice) and Metta
Bhavana, which aims gradually to nurture an unshakeable
confidence and a concern for the welfare of others.
The practical aspects of meditation are addressed,
including the maintenance of a regular meditation
practice and dealing with any difficulties that
arise. )
Read English
Read Greek excerpts
Buy English original on line: Amazon.com
| Amazon
Greek Translation on line
1999 Quotations on Music, (selection and
trans. by myself), Afaton Publications
Read Greek excerpts
on line
1999 Vision and Transformation, An Introduction
to the Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path, Sangharaksita,
Afaton Publications
Read the Greek
Greek translation on line
Buy English original on line: Amazon.com
| Amazon
1998 Rent Boy, Gary Indiana, Periplous
(The adventures of Danny, architectural student,
waiter and rent boy, who escorts anyone - male,
female or otherwise - who can afford him. Then
his liaison with another rent boy involves him
in a grisly organ selling ring. This black comedy
exposes the fundamental immorality of modern society)
on line
Buy English original on line: Amazon.com
| Amazon
1998 The Distant Lover, by Cristoph Hein,
Periplous Publications.
on line
(Written by the East German author who won the
Heinrich Mann Prize, this novel is an account
of a life half-lived, of the price of safety,
of the abysses that open beneath the best-ordered,
most enlightened modern lives - whether in East
Berlin, West Berlin or New York City.)
Buy English translation on line: Amazon.com
| Amazon
1998 The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson
Burnett, Periplous Publications. (unpublished)
(After the death of her parents, Mary Lennox is
brought back from India as a forlorn and unwanted
child to live in her uncle's great lonely house
on the moors. Then one day, she discovers the
key to a secret garden and, as if by magic, her
life begins to change.)
Buy English original on line: Amazon.com
| Amazon
published books/translations in Greece as they appear in
Selected poems by Robert Graves, Porfiras
literary quarterly, issue 89
(January- March 1999), p. 343.
Read the translation
and the original poems
Selected poems by Philip Larkin, Porfiras
literary quarterly, issue 91
(October- December 1999), pp. 167-171
Read the translation
and the original poems
Poems by Emily Dickinson at Translatum
Poem of the Week
Poems by Eleni Vainas (CV)
at Translatum Poem of
the Week
Poem by Meng Tze at Translatum
Poem of the Week
Poem by Walter Malone at Translatum
Poem of the Week
Poem by W. H. Murray at Translatum
Poem of the Week
Poem by Sir Walter Raleigh at Translatum
Poem of the Week
Poem by Jacques Prévert
at Translatum Poem
of the Week
Selected poems by Cesare Pavese (unpublished).
2007 Software and Website Localization
course for
School of translation Studies
2005-now Teaching CAT tools and Microsoft Word in meta|φραση School of translation Studies
MetaTexis trainer (also localized the program) |
No Sex Please, We're Brutish, a satire on
the mores of British society and student life, CreateSpace Publications, 2013
Buy it as a book from CreateSpace, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon DE.
In Kindle format from Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon DE.
Αιδοίον το δηκτικόν, εκδόσεις Captainbook.gr, 2012
English-Greek Dictionary of Buddhist Terms
(work in progress)
English-Greek slang Dictionary (work in progress)
The computer as a tool for writers and translators
(work in progress) |
Periplous, (Art and Literature quarterly) issue
46 (Fall 1998),
Who is afraid of Antigone (theatre review)
Read this article
ROM (leading Greek
computer magazine for the internet and multimedia),
issue 15, Translation in the Digital Era,
(an evaluation of tools for translators, like electronic
dictionaries, corpora, translation memories, internet
resources, etc.), pp. 106-125
this article (Click on Ψηφιακή Μετάφραση)
readers' comments
Ελευθεροτυπία, Ιερά
Κείμενα (Αφιέρωμα), 23/02/2000, Βουδδισμός
(An article on the Buddhist Canon)
Read this article
Athens News, Meaning lost for the "fingertips"
A letter regarding religious tolerance and the true
meaning of spirituality
Read this letter
Translatum Electronic Journal, Ο Μεταφραστής
και το Διαδίκτυο
(The Translator and the Internet), issue 1, June
this article
Translatum Electronic Journal, Shortcuts for
Windows and Word
issue 2, June 2002.
this article
Translatum Electronic Journal, Αξιολόγηση: Το
Λεξικό Νοηματικής Γλώσσας "Νόημα"
σε DVD-ROM, issue 2, June 2002.
Read this article
RAM (The most
popular Greek computer magazine for the internet
and multimedia), issue 167, March 2003, Systran
Personal 4. Πρόγραμμα αυτόματης μετάφρασης από τα
αγγλικά στα ελληνικά
Translatum Electronic Journal, Systran: Ελληνική<=>Αγγλική
αυτόματη μετάφραση - Αξιολόγηση, issue 3, March
2003. (εμπλουτισμένη έκδοση του άρθρου που δημοσιεύτηκε
στο RAM)
this article
site Localization
Web site localization (into Greek): Zimand (Memorial site for cancer victim, extended use of flash presentations)
Web site localization (into Greek): Showroom.gr
(ad posting site for vehicles, etc)
Web site localization (into Greek): Jobshop [English
(on-line job agency)
Web site localization (into English): Magenta
(electronic dictionaries and fonts manufacturer)
Web site localization (into Greek):
Ciel & Logis (Apartment Rental in Chamonix
Sud, France)
Web site localization (into English): Paxos
Villas (Apartment Rental in Paxos, Greece) |
Software Localization (into Greek):
Software Localization (into Greek):
CyberLink PowerDirector
Software Localization (into Greek):
CyberLink PowerStarter
Software Localization (into Greek):
CyberLink Power2Go (disc recording software)
Software Localization (into Greek):
CyberLink PowerDVD 7 (DVD player software)
Software Localization (into Greek):
translation memory application.
Software Localization (into Greek):
Punbb open source forum software.
Software Localization (into Greek): Ectaco
full operating system and Pocket Office localization
for Pocket PC.
Software Localization (into Greek): Ectaco
Toshiba Read
Software Localization (into Greek):
AnyCount. AnyCount produces automatic word
counts, character counts, line counts, and page
counts for all common file formats. Supports
.TXT, .ZIP formats, characters with spaces,
characters without spaces.
Software Localization (into Greek): Infocasa
Software for Estate Agents
Software Localization (into Greek): PC Games for Mattel and HotWheels
Software Localization and marketing material (into Greek): for DELL
Software Localization (into English): Magenta English-Greek Dictionary for English Speakers
Software Localization (into English): Magenta Magenta MS-Windows Extensions
Software Localization (into English): Magenta Dictionaries Explorer I and II (the interface for
Magenta Golden Version English-Greek-English Dictionary
and other dictionaries)
Software Localization (into English): Magenta Magenta Extensions for Windows
Software Localization (into Greek): Mambo Content Managent System, Greek translation for Mambo 4.5.1a
Software Localization (into Greek): editing of Simple Machines Forum (SMF Forum) version 1.0 RC2. Download the Greek language files
Software Localization (into Greek): Intermittent in-house work for major localization projects. |
Manuals for Sony Vaio computers
Sprinklers and other watering
devices' manuals for
Telecommunications Software Manuals Localization (into Greek): Samsung
OfficeServ Call, OfficeServ Link, OfficeServ News, OfficeServ EasySet [50,000 words].
Coffee machine manuals and marketing material for Krupps and Starbucks.
Manuals for road contruction equipment (rammers) for Wacker
Information Technology Dictionary 22,000 terms for Magenta (Editor and major contributor). Part of Magenta Golden Version English-Greek-English Dictionary.
English-Greek Dictionary of Buddhist terms (unpublished) |
Design Projects
katetanopoulos.net (Web site for a Greek painter)
artoflow.com (Web site
for The Art of Flow - Zen and
kallia.gr (Web site
for a Greek muralist and painter)
atasteofgrece.net (Mavrikos Imports - importer and exporter of Greek food and other products)
lead-yourself (A site for a writer of
self-development books)
paxos.tk (island
of Paxos, Greece - information and accommodation)
Site Optimization
kallia.gr (Site
for a muralist and painter - try searching Google
using keywords like τοιχογράφος, τοιχογραφίες)
(This site - try searching Google using keywords
like Greek translation, Greek
translator, Greeklish converter,
convert dollars to euros)
Ciel & Logis (Apartment Rental in Chamonix
Sud, France)
(A site on Buddhism and buddhist meditation, try
keywords on Google like Κέντρο διαλογισμού,
βουδδισμός, διαλογισμός,
μαθήματα διαλογισμού)
Open Source Work
2007-now Wikipedia/Wiktionary contributor
Co-translation and editing of
Simple Machines Forum
software (SMF)
2005 Search plug-in for Mozilla Firefox which searches the in.gr dictionary.
2004 Localization (into Greek) of Mambo
Content Managent System, Greek translation for Mambo 4.5.1a
Onelook dictionaries search module for Mambo
Content Managent System
or download them from the Mambo page of this site.
June + July. Working at IBM
Hellas localizing
Eclipse (open
development platform comprised of extensible
frameworks, tools and runtimes for building,
deploying and managing software across the
lifecycle) using IBM
translation manager.
2005 May + June. Working for
ORCO localization company in Athens Greece on a
major Computer Associates project.
2003 editor and major contributor
for Magenta's
bidirectional English-Greek Information Technology
Working as freelance translator in Athens - collaborating with numerous translation agencies.
2002-onwards Senior Advisor for TelePassport Telecommunications.
Member of their Multi Level Marketing (MLM) program.
Registered over 100 clients and promoted the company's
2002 Developed a course entitled "Information
Technology for Translators" for the Athenian
Translation School Metafrasi.
This entailed the creation of a syllabus for a
60 hour course including exercizes, the selection
of translator-related software and files (including
Word-processing software, custom-built Word macros,
Proofing Tools, CD ROM dictionaries, Translation
Memory software, Terminology Management software,
measurement converters, downloadable dictionaries
and reference resources, etc), the collection
and classification of on-line tutorials and other
useful links (in a favorites file) and advice
on computer-lab ergonomics.
2001 Founded www.translatum.gr
"The Greek translation Vortal" currently
(07.07.2008) ranking 53,342 according to
(check rank now).
1999 Founded "Afaton"
("Ineffable") Publications which specialize in the translation of Eastern Philosophy
1996-7 Worked as a freelance translator in Manchester
1995-6 "Temping" as a data-entry clerk in Manchester
1992-3 Voluntary work as English Teacher to foreigners
in Skelmersdale College, Lancashire, England.
Grant from the European Social Fund for the Machine
Translation course at UMIST
covering fees and maintenance |
Last Updated: