Greek corpora |
Hellenic National Corpus |
Greek Language Centre Corpus |
Corpus of Greek Law (Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε την απόφαση είτε με αναζήτηση με λέξεις κλειδιά, ή προσδιορίζοντας το δικαστήριο, το έτος και τον αριθμό της απόφασης) [NB. web access disabled] |
Greek and European Law Database by Athens Law Society (Δικηγορικός Σύλλογος Αθηνών) |
Iatrotek (Greek medical corpus) | (plenty of Greek medical material) |
Greek Machine Translation |
Systranet (High quality service only for registered users! English and French texts and webpages translated from / into Greek using specialized glossaries - many other language combinations and more info on Systranet and machine translation here)
If you want a box product you have to visit the site of MLS (only in Greek) which offers Systran's English<=>Greek and French<=>Greek pairs (it costs 79 euro). |
Word Translator for Windows
This program works with any Windows-based program, including browsers and email programs. It automatically translates any text between English and Greek. Follow the link above and download the free demo. |
Wordlingo (English and French texts and webpages translated from / into Greek) |
Greeklish Converters and Greek Font Converters |
Greeklish Converter (Convert Greek into Greeklish - Greek with Latin characters) |
Greeklish Converter from ILSP (Convert Greek into Greeklish - and Greeklish into Greek on line demo of software limited to conversion of 255 characters. The only system which in converting from Greeklish into Greek uses accents and proper spelling) |
Greeklish to Greek Converter (without accents) |
Downlodable Greeklish Converter from |
Downlodable Greeklish Converter |
Gibberish to Elot928 (Windows-1253) (You can type a URL with wrong encoding and it will appear with the proper Elot928 encoding) |
Elot928 to ASCII Greek Converter |
Advanced topics on Computing in Greek (character tables, more converters and plenty of useful utilities) |
Greek Font to Unicode Converter Convert from WinGreek, Greekkeys (Athena, Attika, Sparta, Salamis), ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic), ISO 8857-7 (Modern Greek), Beta Code), Bosporos, Kadmos. |
Greek Grammars, Greek Language Notes and Greek Style Guides |
Γλωσσικά Σημειώματα - γραμμένα από μέλη του translatum |
Εγκόλπιο της ορθής γραφης - Το κείμενο του Μαρωνίτη για τη γλώσσα όπως δημοσιεύτηκε στον Ταχυδρόμο το 1998 |
Asprilexi a Greek site with word usage, word of the day, proverbs, e-cards. |
Modern Greek Grammar Downloadable and searchable Java applet which conjugates modern Greek verbs by Nikos Kasselouris |
An Introduction to Modern Greek by J. David Eisenberg |
Modern Greek through the Internet by Angelo Kanlis |
Learning New Testament Greek by Jonathan Robie |
New Testament Greek by Corey Keating |
New Testament Greek (Analysis of verses from the whole New Testament, using simple Greek grammatical and exegetical notes) |
New Testament Greek by Jim West |
Revelation (Ancient Greek text with Katharevousa translation and modern Greek commentary). |
Ancient Greek Grammar (French site) |
Your Dictionary Grammars (Greek and other languages) |
Greek Grammar on the Web (alternative URL) by professor Marc Huys (excellent!) |
Holton et al: Comprehensive Greek Grammar (the most thorough reference book on Greek grammar and syntax available today) |
Greek style guide by the European Community (Εγχειρίδιο σύνταξης κειμένων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης) |
Γλωσσικά Σημειώματα του Γαβριήλ Μηνά: Η χρήση του κόμματος 1 | 2, Το μονοτονικό1 | 2, Οι προθέσεις, Η γλωσσική ορολογία , Η συνοχή-ενότητα του λόγου, Η Κλητική, Από τη γλωσσική επικαιρότητα, Τα επίθετα με κατάληξη -ης για το αρσενικό και το θηλυκό και -ες για το ουδέτερο, Αποποιούμαι, απεκδύομαι, αποφαίνομαι…
, Από τη γλωσσική επικαιρότητα 1 | 2, |
Greek translation gotchas |
Το τελικό ν (ΕΛΕΤΟ-ΟΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ) |
Ορθογραφία της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας (Κανόνες του μονοτονικού συστήματος | Τα διαλυτικά | Το τελικό ν | Συλλαβισμός | Γράφονται με μια λέξη | Λέξεις με κεφαλαίο ή μικρό το πρώτο γράμμα | Κλίση ονομάτων | Επίθετα και παραθετικά | Ρήματα | Μετοχές | Δοτική | Το μέσα | Ξενόγλωσσες λέξεις | Ως ή σαν) |
Kalos 3 - Ancient Greek conjugator (fully functional demo with watermark, standard edition 40 USD) |
Greek Verb Conjugators |
KALOS Ancient Greek Verbs Conjugator (20MB your browser must be Web Start enabled)
A computer program which conjugates verbs in Classic Greek. It provides, under 32-bit appearance, a very original method for displaying results. Contains search under different criteria (meaning, root) and can be used as round dictionary. It is more comprehensive than all major works on the subject, such as "Tutti I verbi Grecci" or any well known dictionary such as Liddell-Scott. |
Modern Greek Verb Conjugator (from Logos multilingual dictionary [if the Greek fonts are not displayed properly go to View / Encoding / Greek (Windows)] |
Modern Greek Grammar Downloadable and searchable Java applet which conjugates modern Greek verbs by Nikos Kasselouris |
Modern Greek
conjugator, spell
checker, hyphenator, morphological
dictionary, lemmatiser and synonyms-antonyms
by Neurolingo
Greek Translation Newsgroups | Newsletters | Lists | Translators Guilds |
Translatum Forum |
Meta | φραση School Newsletter (A very useful newsletter with plenty of practical information for translators. Back issues available on line) |
Ελληνική Εταιρεία Μεταφραστών Λογοτεχνίας
Πρόεδρος: Βασίλης Βιτσαξής
Τσάκωνα 7,
Π. Ψυχικό
154 52 Αθήνα
Tel +30 1 6717466 Fax: +30 1 6776912 |
Metafrasis Newsgroup (The definitive newsgroup for Greek Translators) |
Πανελλήνια Ένωση
Μεταφραστών (Panhellenic Association of
Κομνηνών 17 (17 Komninon Str.)
ΤΚ 546 24, Θεσσαλονίκη (GR-546 24,
Thessaloniki, Greece)
Τηλ./Tel.: 2310 266 308
Φαξ/Fax: 2310 266 018 |
Greek terminology list (read instructions and info) |
ProZ Bid and receive bids for translation jobs - terminology help and Greek forum available |
Greek Spelling |
Greek Proofing Tools for Office 97 (spellchecker for Word 1997 / 2000 ) (1.41Mb)
Office 97
Download the file. Open the zip file and extract the two files in it in the directory:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof
Restart your Office 97 applications and you should be able to spell-check text written in Greek by pressing F7.
These instructions work for Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows XP.
Office 2000
If you already have Office 97, and you want to upgrade to Office 2000, we suggest that you first download the Greek Proofing Tools for Office 97, install them in the proper directory [C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof ] and then run the upgrade for Office 2000.
If you have already installed Office 2000 on your machine, download the Greek Proofing Tools for Office 97, install them in the proper directory [C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof ] and if the spell checker does not work properly under Word 2000, run again the upgrade for Office 2000 (so that the installation program adds in your registry the location of the Greek Proofing Tools files).
Office XP
Same as for Office 2000 |
On-line Greek spell checker by Kypros Net |
Downloadable Greek spell checker for PC and Mac by Neurosoft (free registration needed in order to download the files - they also sell proofing tools for Quark) |
Learn Greek |
Modern Greek Language Lessons in Real Audio (Learn Greek Online is a course provided by Kypros-Net in collaboration with the CyBC. Learn Greek Online is currently composed of 105 real audio files (around 15 minutes each), online student notes, a collection of collaborative learning tools (message board, chat room) and an online dictionary and a spell checker. ) |
Greek phrases, vocabulary lists, pronunciation guide etc |
Learn Modern Greek (Greek language course) in Italian |
Resources for learning Ancient and Modern Greek |
Resources for Learning New Testament Greek by Corey Keating |
New Testament Greek Lessons |
Resources for learning New Testament Greek |
Modern Greek as a second language - lessons for download in zip files (big files) |
Modern Greek as a foreign language - lessons for download in zip files (big files) |
Philoglossia - Modern Greek Lessons with wav or audio samples (excellent for modern Greek pronunciation) |
Modern Greek alphabet, Greek number and other Greek lessons |
Get Acquainted With Greek - Accents And Marks, Alphabet, Diphthongs, Letter Combinations by John Papadopoulos |
Greek Fonts - Other Resources |
Hellenic Resources Network (How to read, write, print and e-mail in Greek) |
Greek fonts (for all kinds of platforms) |
Hellenic Society for Terminology (ELETO) |
Greek shareware downloads from CNET |
Translatio an experimental web site about books and translation |
Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT) |
Greek Typing Tutor download a free touch typing tutor so that you can master the Greek (and English) keyboard (zip file, 136 KB)
[Only for up to Windows
XP, for Vista see next one] |
Greek Typing Tutor
5 MB download, Microsoft
Vista compatible |
Translation Gems a hilarious site with translation guffs and blunders culled by professional Greek translators. |
Indexes of Greek dictionaries and glossaries and other relevant links |
Translatum Index |
Vassilis Korkas's (Surrey University Professor) interesting links for Greek translators |
Ionian University dictionary and reference links (Surrey University Professor) interesting links for Greek translators |
Katerina Sarri |
Asxetos |
Εugenidio Foundation |
Vamvakos Dictionaries | |
Your Dictionary |
Greek Documentation Centre |
Mercury |
Worldlingo |
University of Portsmouth |
Glossa Links |
Languages-on-the-web |
Greek Language Centre |
Google |
Worldlanguage |
Back to main Greek Dictionaries page |