The Translatum Journal welcomes
contributions of articles and other relevant material for future
issues. In particular we welcome articles on any aspect of the
translation process, annotated translations, dictionary reviews,
translation as a profession, software reviews, notes on how
to pass translation exams and glossaries (this list being by
no means all-inclusive).
Contributors should contact
with a summary of their intented article. Preferred languages
are English and Greek and as this is a Greek site translation
issues involving the Greek language (from and to any other language)
will be the most appropriate. There is no size limitation but
if contributions exceed 50K then the article might be made available
for download in zip format or broken into more than one pages.
The preferred format for your contributions is Microsoft Word
for text and jpeg for photographs (a photograph of the author
is welcome in electronic format).
Copyright Policy
This is copyrighted material and unauthorized copying is not allowed! The copyright belongs jointly to the Translatum Journal and the Author(s). Please contact the Editor by clicking on the Contact button on the top right corner if you want to republish any of these articles.